
Suitable model for children and newborns over 1.5 kilograms. The rotation of the rods up to 90º allows its use in 3 practical ways!
What is VenosBaby?
VenosBaby is a device that locates peripheral veins through light in children from zero to seven years old with precision.
With it, it is possible to obtain the fundamental parameters for the best assertiveness of the vein:
• Size / diameter;
• Route and bifurcations;
• Flow / permeability.
In addition, VenosBaby benefits patients who have difficult venous access, such as:
• Obese patients;
• Congenital syndromes;
• Chronic patients (ICU, hemophilia);
• Dark skin, Rheumatic diseases.
How does VenosBaby work and what are its particularities?
VenosBaby uses led light and other lights (green + red + white) which, projected onto the skin, permeate the subcutaneous tissue and highlights the veins with a blue line (made from the carbon dioxide transported by the veins).
HOW TO USE: There are three possibilities for optimizing VenosBaby usage.
1. direct or transdermal lighting: the light beam is emitted directly on the skin and highlights the veins.
2. opposite illumination: the light beam is directed to the area opposite to the member to be punctured (wrist, elbow, hand, foot, ankle); suitable for children up to 2 kg.
3. bilateral (exclusive) lighting: the newborn member (diameters between 1.5 and 2.0 cm) is positioned between the 2 rods at 90°.
VenosBaby was based on the needs of professionals who treat children (practicality, portability and high efficacy) and to minimize invasive procedures.
With rotation up to 90 degrees, the limbs of the child are placed between the rods and the maximum illumination is obtained with precision. The rotation flexibility allows using VenosBaby on different surfaces of the skin (curves and linear).
The image of the vein is direct and not projected.
The simplicity of visualization and fixation of the VenosBaby optimize the service and enhances the professional and the family’s confidence.
It is an intuitive device for health professionals and, currently, for the families of hemophiliac patients which can be used immediately after a simple training.
It dismisses the usage of tourniquets which temporarily interrupts the blood flow, affecting biochemical and hematological parameters after 1:30 min.
Developed and manufactured in Brazil by Duan, the IV Plus Venoscope has an exclusive factory warranty and technical assistance, in addition to guidelines and troubleshooting for its best usage.
Technical Information
• Measures: 11.5cm x 4.5cm x 3.0cm;
• 6 high intensity LEDs, 3 on each stem (1 green, 1 red and 1 white);
• 90 degree rotating rods;
• Two levels of light intensity (medium and high);
• Battery charge indicator on top;
• 01 3,6 Li-Po battery pack;
• 01 power supply 110-220 VAC 5 volts;
• Safety system (temperature sensor) that stops recharging when temperature rises above 60º Celsius;
• One-year warranty;
• Permanent technical assistance from DUAN.
Portable device with removable bottom slot for changing the rechargeable batteries.
Recharge time: 4 hours.
Continuous use time at level II: 02 hours.
Battery life: 1,000 recharges.
• Certified by ANVISA (Brazil), FDA (USA) and EC (European Compliance)
To the Client:
• Reduces parental anxiety and the patient pain, as the procedure is safer and less traumatic;
• Reduces potential damages to the veins, hematomas and invasive procedures (vein dissection).
To the Health Technician:
• Reduces the rate of unsuccessful punctures through the association of visual information and the professional’s ability to locate veins;
• Ensures greater speed and safety at work;
• Increases the possibility of choosing peripheral veins, especially for patients with a long period of treatment;
• Allows diagnosing the impossibility of finding peripheral veins.
To the organization:
• Reduces costs with disposable materials (needles, catheters, etc.);
• Increases the satisfaction rate of patients and parents, generating recommendations;
• Raises the quality of the service care, reflecting on a good institutional image for the market.
Tips for usage
1. Make sure the device is charged before using. It has a charging time of 4 hours.
2. Sanitize the device with alcohol 70 or with the standard product used in your service.
3. Decrease the brightness of the room.
4. There are three modes of using VenosBaby:
A – Direct illumination:
Turn on the device after touching the skin.
Begin the procedure from the distal to the proximal limb.
After locating the vein, return the device to the puncture position.
Once the body member and the VenosBaby have been fixed by the 2nd assistant, lift the rods and perform the antisepsis.The needle should be inserted before the lights. Keep the Venoscope on and perform venipuncture more safely and practically.
B – Opposite illumination:
VenosBaby must be positioned opposite to the region to be punctured with minimum rotation of the rods. The white light will transfix the muscles and bones and the red and green lights will fix the image of the veins.

C – Bilateral lighting:
Position the body member to be punctured between the VenosBaby rods at 90° rotation. The superficial and deep veins will appear between the stems. There is a sum of the right and left locks.
Get to know it in minutes
Its usage generates more confidence for both the patient and the user.
Dr. José Humberto Moromizato
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